

Benchmark Toitū te Waiora stakeholder survey helps shape future engagement approach

Toitū te Waiora has released the results of its first ever stakeholder engagement survey which will help improve the way we engage in the future.

As part of our obligations to report on Vocational Education and Training (VET) System Outcomes Measures to the Tertiary Education Commission, Toitū te Waiora chose to conduct a stakeholder survey.

The survey was carried out to seek feedback on our stakeholder engagement efforts and seek suggestions on how we could better support and improve their experiences with us.

The survey had a response rate of around 30 percent and key industry and Māori stakeholders were well represented, with a higher positive sentiment than the total response cohort.

Our stakeholders are confident that Toitū te Waiora can deliver fit-for-purpose qualifications that meet the future demands of our workforces. Nearly 80 percent of our stakeholders agreed that future graduates holding Toitū te Waiora qualifications will have the relevant skills.

There is an appetite for more engagement with Toitū te Waiora outside of qualification reviews. Responses highlighted interest in updates regarding our work with providers, government agencies, strategic planning and regional development.

Improvement suggestions focussed on communication regularity and efficiency of the processes of qualifications reviews.

Feedback from stakeholders highlighted positive interactions with Toitū te Waiora kaimahi, particularly around the professionalism of the Qualifications team, the supportiveness and dedication of kaimahi and the friendly atmosphere and efforts made in engagements.

We acknowledge there was some frustration expressed around processes and timelines, however some are outside the control of Toitū te Waiora. We have identified opportunities for improvement and have begun to action them.

The survey will be repeated in October and will be carried out quarterly. We are working hard to ensure we receive an even higher response rate next time.

We are grateful to all our stakeholders who participated in the survey and gave us their honest feedback to help us improve how we engage.

If you are a Toitū te Waiora stakeholder and weren’t part of the last survey, you can email us at [email protected] to participate in October.