

Government consultation on proposed changes to vocational education and training reform

The Government is consulting on wide-ranging changes to vocational education and training reform. 

Toitū te Waiora is encouraging all stakeholders to have a say before the consultation closes on 12 September.  

You can find more about the consultation and how to make a submission on the Ministry of Education website: Have your say on the vocational education and training reforms – Education in New Zealand 

The Tertiary Education Commission is doing a regional roadshow. Keep an eye out for dates in your region and find out how to register here: Consultation on proposed changes to the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system | Tertiary Education Commission ( 

Toitū te Waiora is keen to hear your views to help inform our submission. We will be hosting a webinar with the Tertiary Education Commission during the consultation period. A date and time is still being confirmed but we will post further details on our website and email all stakeholders.  

If you are not on our mailing list, please email [email protected]