Every year Toitū te Waiora develops a Moderation Calendar and makes it available to registered providers. The calendar outlines sectors to be moderated, and the timing of moderation throughout the year.
Based on the Moderation Calendar and education organisation activity, selected education organisations will be asked for assessment samples from the previous 12 months. These requests will be sent to the education organisation moderation contact person or Principal’s nominee during the quarter.
To support your planning to provide post-assessment moderation submissions during 2025, a high-level calendar for 2025 is below.
The National External Quality Assurance Plan is developed from guideline principles developed by Ohu Mahi Workforce Development Councils – the collective of the six WDCs. It is developed to support your organisation in preparing for external quality assurance and moderation with Toitū te Waiora and may also assist with developing internal quality systems.