
New Development of Family Violence Skill Standards and Micro-credentials

New Development of Family Violence Skill Standards and Micro-credentials

Following the Health and Wellbeing qualification review in 2024, Toitū te Waiora identified a gap in specialist Family Violence and Sexual Violence skills and knowledge.  

To address this, Toitū te Waiora, with support from Te Puna Aonui, is developing NZQCF level 3 and 4 skill standards aligned with the Family Violence Entry to Expert (E2E) Capability Framework. These skill standards will provide the foundation for a structured qualification pathway, starting with a micro-credential based on the Family Violence Risk and Safety Practice Framework (RSPF) which will support frontline workers to improve how they recognise and safely respond to risk and enable safety and wellbeing.  This initiative supports the Keeping People Safe focus area of the Te Aorerekura Action Plan 2025-2030, promoting a more consistent and integrated approach to family violence practice. 

This project is a joint effort between Toitū te Waiora and Te Puna Aonui and contributes to Te AorerekuraHōkaitanga Toru – Shift 3: Towards skilled, culturally competent, and sustainable workforces and aligns with Action Plan 2025-2030 under Agencies Taking Action: Strengthening Our Workforce. 

We are seeking the support of family violence and sexual violence subject matter experts to contribute to the development of these standards and micro-credentials. We are particularly interested in connecting with those with knowledge of the current frameworks and training and/or assessing skills in this area.  

Please complete the expression of interest form before Sunday 13th April 2025. 

Project updates and any proposed changes will be added to the project web page for national feedback once available.