
Proposed review changes to the New Zealand Certificate in Offender Management (Level 4) [Ref: 2659 V2]

Proposed review changes to the New Zealand Certificate in Offender Management (Level 4) [Ref: 2659 V2]

Toitū te Waiora (TTW) has completed its initial public consultation for review of the New Zealand Certificate in Offender Management (Level 4) [Ref: 2659 V2]. In overall terms, the Certificate has been found to be fit-for-purpose. The review has highlighted some areas that require reasonably minor amendments.

See below table and Qualification Overview documents highlighting changes to Version 2.

Summary of proposed changes
Version 1Version 2Comment
New Zealand Certificate in Offender Management (Level 4) Last date of assessment – 31 December 2025 Last date of assessment – 31 December 2025 New Zealand Certificate in Prisoner Management (Level 4) Title changed to reflect the Corrections Act 2004. Preferred terminology is ‘Prisoner’ and not ‘Offender’.
The purpose of this qualification is to provide the Offender Management sector with operational leaders who have the knowledge, skills and behaviours to lead the safety and security, and care and rehabilitation functions in a New Zealand prison environment. Graduates will be able to operate under broad guidance in varying senior frontline operational leadership roles in the Offender Management Sector. The purpose of this qualification is to provide the Prisoner Management sector with operational leaders who have the knowledge, skills and behaviours to lead the safety and security, and care and rehabilitation functions in a New Zealand prison environment. Graduates will be able to operate under broad guidance in varying senior frontline operational leadership roles in the Prisoner Management Sector.Change from ‘offender’ to ‘prisoner’.
Graduates of this qualification will be able to: – Lead staff to manage safety and wellbeing in a New Zealand prison environment. – Manage staff to maintain the security of the prison environment. – Lead staff to participate in the active management and the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders and lead a team to actively manage offender care. – Be accountable and responsible for managing own and others’ practice and conduct to meet professional, ethical and legal requirements.Graduates of this qualification will be able to: – Lead staff to manage safety and wellbeing in a New Zealand prison environment. – Manage staff to maintain the security of the prison environment. – Lead staff to participate in the active management and the rehabilitation and support reintegration of prisoners and lead a team to actively manage prisoner care. – Be accountable and responsible for managing own and others’ practice and conduct to meet professional, ethical and legal requirements.Inclusion of support. Change from ‘offender’ to ‘prisoner’.
Graduates of this qualification will be able to work in varying senior frontline operational roles in the Offender Management Sector, private and/or public, such as a Senior Corrections Officer or a role in operational leadership. Graduates of this qualification will be able to work in varying senior frontline operational roles in the Prisoner Management Sector, private and/or public, such as a Corrections Officer, Senior Corrections Officer, Corrections Principal Instructor, SERCO Supervisor or a role in operational leadership Change from ‘Offender’ to ‘Prisoner’. Inclusion of Corrections Officer, Corrections Principal Instructor, SERCO Supervisor.
Analysis of post-moderation results of unit standards which align with GPOs; Analysis of post-moderation results of unit standards/skill standards which align with GPOs; Inclusion of skill standards.
The New Zealand Certificate in Offender Management (Level 3) [Ref: 2658] is a prerequisite for this qualification and is required for entry, or equivalent knowledge and skills must be demonstrated.It is expected that assessment for all outcomes will be inclusive of best practice documentation for the industry, the use of relevant technology and current best practice policies and procedures. The New Zealand Certificate in Prisoner Management (Level 3) [Ref: 2658] is a prerequisite for this qualification and is required for entry, or equivalent knowledge and skills must be demonstrated. Programmes must align to best practice documentation for the industry and use relevant technology, legislation and current policies and procedures. Exclusion of ‘It is expected that assessment for all outcomes will be inclusive of’. Replacement wording, ‘Programmes must align to best practice documentation for the industry and use relevant technology, legislation and current policies and procedures’.
GPO 2 Manage staff to maintain the security of the prison environment.GPO 2 Lead staff to maintain the security of the prison environment.Replace 'Manage' with 'Lead'.
GPO 3 Lead staff to participate in the active management and the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders and lead a team to actively manage offender care.GPO 3 Lead staff/a team to participate in active management, rehabilitation, and support the reintegration of prisoners, to actively manage prisoner care.Inclusion of ‘support’ Change from ‘offenders’ to ‘prisoners’. Re-worded GPO.