
Image of Hayley Semenoff

Hayley Semenoff

General Manager, Partnership and Engagement

Hayley was appointed General Manager Partnership and Engagement for Toitū te Waiora in October 2022. She is of Ngāpuhi and Te Rarawa descent and is based in Whangarei, Tai Tokerau travelling to Pōneke, Wellington, and Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland, as needed. She has spent nearly 20 years in the vocational education sector, is a respected leader in education management, a driver of equitable outcomes and a strategist who can also operationalise strategic goals across teams. Hayley is responsible for leading the Toitū te Waiora approach to engagement – ensuring that vocational education product development is industry led and prioritises the voices of our underserved communities. With experience in collaborative engagement and equipped with Te Ao Māori and Tauiwi world view she can build meaningful connections in both spaces. Her personal career philosophy is to always work within organisations or companies that stand for the betterment of all people, investing wholeheartedly in kaupapa or mahi that supports positive change impact for whānau and hāpori.