
Image of Maikali Kilioni

Maikali Kilioni

Industry Engagement Lead (Pacific)

Maikali Kilioni is the Industry Engagement Lead (Pacific) in the Partnership and Engagement team and is based in Poneke, Wellington. He was born and raised in Fiji and moved to New Zealand in his early twenties. Maikali is a registered Addiction Practitioner and Clinical Supervisor. He has worked in the health sector for over two decades in roles that include working in NGO’s, acute mental health ward, forensic settings, and auditing health providers. He has been involved with the Pacific community throughout Aotearoa New Zealand through various roles as a volunteer on community initiatives, advisory groups, and multiple Boards. He worked at the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in State Care before joining Toitū Te Waiora in late 2022. Prior to joining the health sector, he worked in the hospitality industry for a decade. Maikali is new in the vocational education space but has significant sector experience and understanding of how different systems interact to provide organisational outcomes.