Toitū te Waiora would like to thank everyone who has volunteered their time to contribute to this review, and most recently, provided feedback on the proposed skill standards socialised on our website.
We have completed the revision of these skill standards based on the feedback and are now ready to submit them to NZQA for approval and listing.
This submission will also include expiring the unit standards that have been replaced with a new skill standards, and also expiring unit standards that are no longer being used or required.
Summary of Application to NZQA – Civil Defence Emergency Management Unit Standards to be Expired (D), or Replaced and Expired (C)
Phase One of the review is nearing completion, which involved:
View Table 1: Unit standards to be expired (D) or replaced and expired (C).
View Table 2: Newly developed skill standards and skill standards developed to replace category C unit standards.
We thank all the subject specialists from the following groups who gave up their valuable time to make sure that these skill standards will consistently meet the needs of a complex sector:
Civil Defence Emergency Management Response
Civil Defence Management
Civil Defence Operation
Emergency Communications
Rope Rescue
Urban Search and Rescue
Workplace Emergency Risk Management
Workplace Fire and Emergency Response