We are pleased to announce that initial industry consultation for the review of standards in this sector has concluded. You are now invited to give feedback on the following proposed skill standards:
The following skill standards will be available to view for feedback submissions from Friday 6 December.
See table below to view our draft skill standards:
The CDEM Fundamentals suite of skill standards was developed to build a foundational platform for learners seeking a career in emergency management or as supplementary training for volunteers or people supporting Civil Defence Emergency Management efforts. The consultation group consisted of representatives from CDEM emergency management groups, training facilitators, and more. Now we need your help to make sure they’re fit for purpose by providing your feedback. The proposed CDEM Fundamentals skill standards are linked in the next column.
The Response Leadership suite of skill standards was developed with the intent to build the capacity of leadership in response roles, ranging from function managers and sub function manager through to controllers.
The consultation group who collaborated in developing these standards consisted of CDEM group managers, controllers, training facilitators with assistance from NEMA. Now we need your help to make sure they’re fit for purpose by providing your feedback. The proposed Response Leadership skill standards are linked in the next column.
The Treaty Partnership suite of skill standards was developed to address the importance of acknowledging manawhenua in emergency management across all activities and understanding the critical role of working in partnership with manawhenua. These skill standards are designed to help learners across three levels of partnership, which include: working on marae, understanding Māori organisations and collaborating with manawhenua at iwi and hapu levels across the 4 R’s.
The consultation group consisted of representatives from CDEM groups and NEMA. Now we need your help to make sure they’re fit for purpose by providing your feedback. The proposed Treaty Partnership skill standards are linked in the next column.
The CIMS suite of skill standards was developed to update the current Unit Standards to Skill standards to suit industries and agencies that support emergency management. The consultation group consisted of representatives from CDEM groups, training facilitators, NEMA and more. Now we need your help to make sure they’re fit for purpose by providing your feedback. The proposed CIMS skill standards are linked in the next column.
The Welfare suite of skill standards was developed to address the changes in the welfare space of recovery with the intent to bring more consistency to areas like needs assessment and flexibility in animal care and shelter. The consultation group consisted of representatives from CDEM welfare management, training facilitators, Ministry of Primary Industries, NEMA and more. Now we need your help to make sure they’re fit for purpose by providing your feedback. The proposed Welfare skill standards are linked in the next column.
The Recovery suite of skill standards was developed to address the gap in available standards to meet the needs of learners in volunteer or supporting roles in recovery operations. The consultation group consisted of representatives from CDEM recovery groups, Te Whatu Ora, NEMA and more. Now we need your help to make sure they’re fit for purpose by providing your feedback. See the proposed recovery skill standards below.
The Recovery suite of skill standards was developed to address the gap in available standards to meet the needs of learners in volunteer or supporting roles in recovery operations. The consultation group consisted of representatives from CDEM recovery groups, Te Whatu Ora and more. Now we need your help to make sure they’re fit for purpose by providing your feedback. See the proposed recovery skill standards below.
The Response Team suite of skill standards are an update of the current CDEM unit standards used within the NZRT Capability and Competency Framework. These changes reflect current rescue practices. The consultation group consisted of representation from NZ Response Team members, training facilitators, NEMA and more.
These skill standards were developed in collaboration with support from across the sector to ensure they’re fit for purpose to meet the needs of Emergency Management learners of the future. Please email [email protected] for any feedback or if you have any questions about the CDEM skill standards review by Friday, 20 December.
Please feel free to share with your networks.
Phase One of the review is nearing completion, which involved:
Once this public consultation period concludes we will make final adjustments to the skill standard documents before submitting them to NZQA. Once approved we will keep all interested parties informed about the publications.
We thank all the subject specialists from the following groups who gave up their valuable time to make sure that these skill standards will consistently meet the needs of a complex sector:
Civil Defence Emergency Management Response
Civil Defence Management
Civil Defence Operation
Emergency Communications
Rope Rescue
Urban Search and Rescue
Workplace Emergency Risk Management
Workplace Fire and Emergency Response