
Civil Defence and Emergency Management NZQA Product Review


Toitū te Waiora is developing new skill standards for Civil Defence and Emergency Management and we need your input.

We will be gathering information and expect to finalise the work in early to mid-2025.

Civil Defence and Emergency Management Training and Development Needs Survey.

A big thank you to those of you who completed our Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) Training and Development Needs Survey.

This was the first phase of our review and an opportunity for the sector and providers to register their interest and tell us what they think about the current training and development needs across the CDEM sector.

We received a total of 44 responses, with 25 people completing the survey, 11 people requested a one-to-one kōrero, and 33 people registered interested in being part of consultation groups.

What you told us

Here is a snapshot of what you told us:

  • Training across the civil defence and emergency management sector lacks national consistency and robustness.
  • There is a call for national, standardised training pathways aligned with specific CDEM roles.
  • Within the sector, there are varying levels of engagement with iwi/mana whenua during an emergency response highlighting a potential training gap.
  • There is a need for flexible standards and qualifications that work for the sector’s volunteer workforce and regional differences.
  • The current availability, quality and funding of training is insufficient.
  • Some aspects of current training are working well and provide examples of good practice.

The full CDEM Training and Development Insights Report is available here

What is next? 

The feedback we received is helping us to identify training gaps in the workforce and priorities for the sector. We will develop personas (roles) for the sector and identify the skills, knowledge and capabilities required for each. This information will be used by Toitū te Waiora to build skill standards and the potential for developing micro-credentials or qualifications. By August this year consultation groups from across the sector will be formed to help us develop skill standards and possible new qualifications. The consultation groups will likely be formed based on specialist areas. We will send an update and invitations for expressions of interest when the groupings and timings are finalised.