

Level 7 Diploma conversion review: Diploma in Management (Healthcare) Level 7 (3543)

Toitū te Waiora is reviewing the Diploma in Management (Healthcare) Level 7 (3543).

Current qualification: The 120-credit Diploma in Management (Healthcare) Level 7 (3543) was published by NZQA in August 2016. It was developed by ATMC NZ Limited as a Level 7 Diploma.

New qualification: New Zealand Diploma in Management (Healthcare) – Level 7, 120 credits.

Why change? Toitū te Waiora, the Community, Health, Education, and Social Services Workforce Development Council, is converting existing Level 7 Diplomas within its gazetted coverage into New Zealand Diplomas – this following instruction from NZQA. Toitū te Waiora will take on the developer role of the new qualification, and it will be reviewed on a five-year cycle. It will also be subject to the NZQA consistency review process.

Once NZQA approves the new qualification it will be available for all providers to use via the conventional Toitū te Waiora programme endorsement process, followed by an application for approval and accreditation via NZQA.

Changes: The main change is a reduction from five graduate outcomes down to four, as shown in the following table:

Current Outcomes Reviewed Outcomes
Demonstrate understanding of a broad knowledge base incorporating technical and theoretical business/management concepts in applied contexts. Apply a broad knowledge base incorporating technical and theoretical business/management concepts to establish sound management practices in applied contexts. (20 credits)
Analyse and plan an approach to business problems or management requirements, considering a variety of stakeholder needs–from a theoretical and practical perspective. Plan an approach to business problems or management requirements from a theoretical and practical perspective to consider a variety of stakeholder needs. (20 credits)
Transfer and apply theoretical concepts and/or technical or creative skills to a range of simple and complex situations, including ethical, sustainability, community awareness including addressing the needs of Māori. Apply theoretical concepts and/or technical or creative skills to a range of simple and complex situations, including ethical, sustainability, community awareness to address the healthcare needs of the community including the needs of Māori. (20 credits)
Evaluate information, using it in forecasting for planning or research purposes, demonstrating independent thought.
Take responsibility for their own outputs in relation to broad quantity and quality parameters and to take responsibility for the achievement of group outcomes.
Apply theoretical knowledge and technical skills to manage the daily running of a healthcare facility.
(60 credits)


The proposed new qualification document is available here

Toitū te Waiora, welcomes any feedback about the new qualification. Email us at [email protected]  by close of business on 15 November 2023.