Toitū te Waiora is doing a comprehensive review of eight qualifications in 2024. As the qualification developer, we want to ensure the qualifications are fit-for-purpose for the sector – and that graduates can meet the requirements of the Health and Wellbeing workforce.
Our engagement with our sector has highlighted the need to take a combined approach. Reviewing the qualifications together will ensure a big picture view and an aligned approach to the engagement process to address gaps in qualification pathways.
New approved versions of Health and Wellbeing qualifications
Toitū te Waiora is pleased to announce that the following Health and Wellbeing qualifications have been approved by NZQA. These reviewed and updated qualifications reflect the evolving needs of the sector and provide clear pathways for learners and workforce development.
Approved qualifications
Next steps for providers
Providers can now develop programmes leading to these updated qualifications. To assist in this process, Toitū te Waiora has created guidance notes for each qualification. We strongly encourage providers to review these resources:
Guidance notes for providers developing programmes – Toitū te Waiora
Request programme endorsement – Toitū te Waiora
Ongoing sector development
We recognise that further changes are needed to strengthen health and wellbeing training. As part of this commitment, we are launching new projects. The first two projects are:
Health and Wellbeing Skill Standard Development – Toitū te Waiora
New qualifications and skill standards in Disability Support – Toitū te Waiora
We extend our thanks to everyone who contributed to this review. Your input has been invaluable in shaping the future of health and wellbeing education in Aotearoa.
For more information, contact us at [email protected].
Toitū te Waiora is conducting a review of the New Zealand Certificate in Public Health and Health Promotion (Level 5) [Ref: 1865] in the first half of 2025. Visit our page dedicated to this work here.
Once this public consultation period concludes we will make final adjustments to the qualification documents before submitting them to NZQA. We will keep all providers informed about the publication of the new versions. We will also be publishing a Review Report in early 2025.
Our next major project is to transition key core unit standards into skill standards.
New developments
Throughout our extensive consultation across the Health and Wellbeing workforce, we’ve identified a clear need for additional qualifications, skill standards, and micro-credentials to support sector roles. Once finalised, we will be publishing our 2024-2025 work plan, including new developments, in full on our website.
Qualification overview (Tracked Changes)
Qualification overview (Clean)
Education pathway:
Employment, cultural and community pathway:
General conditions for the programme:
Graduate Profile Outcomes:
Strategic Purpose Statement
Graduate Profile Outcomes
Education Pathway
Employment, cultural and community pathway
General conditions for the programme
We had a great response with over 200 representatives within sector peak bodies, industry, providers, iwi, and other stakeholders getting back to us. We have pulled together the highlights from all eight surveys to summarise what we heard. The following are those highlights.
We still need your support.
Guidance from sector stakeholders, providers, Māori, and other groups like Pacific and tangata whaikaha, is crucial. By reviewing these qualifications together and working closely with the sector, we aim to ensure any changes address gaps in the pathways and provide scaffolded learning opportunities.
We want to make sure we include the voice of sector, industry, learners, providers, iwi and other key stakeholders in the review. There are a few ways you can participate:
Consultation groups will ensure we have representation and insight across different specialist areas of the sector. Current providers will work with us to identify any areas for improvement for qualifications and we will also work alongside industry to identify gaps in the workforce and priorities for the sector.
Contact the team on [email protected]
For information on how we are engaging with Māori and Pacific contact Wayne or Maikali on: