

An exciting milestone for tāngata whaikaha
An exciting milestone for tāngata whaikaha
Monday 20 June will mark an important day for tāngata whaikaha – people with disabilities – with the official welcome for the new General Manager...
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Skills Survey up now
Skills Survey up now
Toitū te Waiora is seeking input from across our sectors about the challenges and needs facing the workforce. We have been asking our sector contacts...
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NZ Diploma in Health and Wellbeing up for review
NZ Diploma in Health and Wellbeing up for review
We are seeking input for the review of the New Zealand Diploma in Health and Wellbeing (Practice/Applied Practice) (Level 5) [3244]   This review will...
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WDC endorsement required for NZQA programme approvals
WDC endorsement required for NZQA programme approvals
We are pleased to share the news that the programme support process is changing in line with our matawhānui to give industry a greater leadership...
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Expiring New Zealand Certificate in Out of School Care (Level 4) [Ref: 2762]
Expiring New Zealand Certificate in Out of School Care (Level 4) [Ref: 2762]
Following feedback from the April sector-wide survey, Toitū te Waiora is planning to expire this qualification. Nobody has undertaken this qualification since it was listed...
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Extension for NZ Cert in Offender Management
Extension for NZ Cert in Offender Management
As a workforce development council (WDC), Toitū te Waiora has been tasked with ensuring industry has a strong voice in making Aotearoa’s workforce fit for...
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Youth Quals up for Review – Still Time!
Youth Quals up for Review – Still Time!
Toitū te Waiora is the Workforce Development Council that covers community, health, education, and social services. As part of this role, we are seeking input...
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NZQA submissions a chance for change
NZQA submissions a chance for change
Ministry of Education statistics in 2019 showed that 9,500 – 10,000 people left school and were not into education, employment, or training. That’s a population...
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NZ Cert in Out of School Care
NZ Cert in Out of School Care
Feedback is now open on the review and proposed expiry of the New Zealand Certificate in Out of School Care (Level 4) [Ref: 2762], which...
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Toitū te Waiora 2022 Moderation Plan out now!
Toitū te Waiora 2022 Moderation Plan out now!
We are pleased to announce that our 2022 moderation plan is ready. It’s the go-to guide to help organisations prepare for the year ahead. We...
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ECE unit standards now approved
ECE unit standards now approved
The 2021 review of the unit standards listed below has now been completed, with the new versions of the standards now available on the NZQA...
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More online options for First Aid
More online options for First Aid
Following consultation in the sector, Toitū te Waiora has agreed that assessment of Unit Standard 6400 – Manage first aid in an emergency situation –...
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