
Health and wellbeing skill standard development


In the recent review of Health and Wellbeing qualifications, Toitū te Waiora identified that the current qualifications serve some parts of the health and wellbeing sector well, but they do not meet all the requirements of our sector’s diverse workforce groups. To address this, we will explore ways to better meet these needs through the development of new skill standards.

Our initial focus will be on creating core skill standards that capture the critical skills applicable across various roles in the sector. We will then develop role-specific skill standards to address the unique requirements of different roles, sectors, and environments.

Project consultation

Although we gathered insights through the Health and Wellbeing review process, additional expertise from across the sector is essential to define the skill and knowledge requirements for these standards. This collaborative work will shape the future of qualifications across the sector. It is anticipated this work will reveal areas for significant improvements to existing qualifications and support the creation of new qualifications and/or strands where needed.

If you are interested in being part of the skill standards development process or have feedback for us, please get in touch.

Project outcomes

  • New fit for purpose skill standards will be developed to replace current unit standards.
  • Unit standards that no longer serve current sector needs will be expired.
  • New skill standards will be developed to address existing skill gaps.

Anticipated benefits

  • Skill standards that reflect both the critical skills required across the sector and the specific skills needed in different roles and environments.
  • Improved consistency across programmes, reducing confusion regarding the competencies of graduates.
  • Qualifications that align closely with sector roles and provide clear career pathways.
  • Increased flexibility for individuals to move across sector roles and identify development needs more easily.

What we would like from you

We have prepared information which outlines our initial thoughts on the core skills that apply across roles in the health and wellbeing sector. We would greatly appreciate your feedback on:

  1. whether our perspective aligns with yours.
  2. any existing unit standards that may be problematic or outdated.
  3. any current skill gaps that need addressing.

Please share your feedback with us by the 28th of February either by completing the Expression of Interest/Questionnaire by emailing [email protected] or requesting a call back through 04 909 0356.

Please scroll down for further information. 

Anticipated high-level timeline


January-February – consultation begins. Initial feedback will be gathered to identify core skills for the Health and Wellbeing sector and any gaps where standards are needed.

February-June – core skill standard consultation groups set up, starting with Level 2 and progressing through Levels 3 and 4.

July-September – consultation groups established for role-specific skill standard development.

December – core skill standard development complete, standards registered on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards.


July – role-specific skill standard development complete, standards registered on the Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards.

TBC – new qualification development begins.

Click below to expand sections of the skill standard development document

Below is a list of the Health and Wellbeing qualifications that currently sit on the NZQCF. We will be looking at the unit standards in our coverage area that are currently used in programmes leading to each of these qualifications and developing skill standards to replace these. A full list of standards in our coverage can be found in the Appendices. When replacing unit standards with skill standards, we will look to make amendments to make sure the standards are fit for purpose. We will also expire standards that no longer serve current sector needs and will develop new skill standards to address skill gaps.

  • New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 2) [Ref: 2469]
  • New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 3) with strands in Healthcare Assistance; Newborn Hearing Screening; Orderly Services; Support Work; Vision Hearing Screening [Ref: 2470]
  • New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Peer Support) (Level 4) [Ref: 2989]
  • New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Primary Care Practice Assistance) (Level 4) [Ref: 2990]
  • New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Rehabilitation Support) (Level 4) [Ref: 2991]
  • New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services) (Level 4) with strands in Community Health Work; Disability Support; Diversional Therapy; Mental Health and Addiction Support; and Whānau, Community and Social Services [Ref: 2992]
  • New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Advanced Care and Support) (Level 4) [Ref: 4108]

Below are the list of skills and knowledge that we see as being core in the health and wellbeing sector regardless of role and setting. We are keen to hear what you think.

Understanding the Role

  • Understanding and applying organisational policies and procedures, relevant codes/legislation, service philosophies/delivery models
  • Professionalism – professional and ethical behaviour, professional boundaries, professional relationships/teamwork
  • Health, safety, and security practices – including selfcare
  • Leadership skills (L4) including self-awareness, reflective practice, personal leadership, coaching, mentoring
  • Technology requirements for role

Understanding the person/people being supported

  • Personal plans/care plans/support plans – goals/intended outcomes
  • Holistic needs – factors that influence wellbeing
  • Person-centred care and support
  • Advocacy and self-advocacy
  • Vulnerability and abuse – indicators, effects, how to report and respond
  • Observing and responding to change – observe/describe changes, effects of changes on support needs and delivery of personal plan, how to report and respond

Understanding the importance of culture and communication

  • Effective interpersonal and communication skills
  • Cultural responsiveness and safety – multi-cultural practice
  • Developing positive relationships
  • Dealing with behaviours of concern – de-escalation
  • Knowledge of Te Tiriti O Waitangi and Māori values and how to apply these in role
  • Understanding equity and the importance of equitable outcomes and how this can be achieved.

We will also need to develop skill standards which will be more targeted to specific roles, workplace settings and specific care needs. This will make up the second phase of our skill standard development project and we are keen for feedback on specific standards that will be required here.

Understanding the conditions/impairments

  • Understanding conditions of the people you are supporting – including potential causes
  • The impacts/implications of the condition(s), particularly about their support needs and relevant support strategies
  • Resources or support services available to that person, how to access them, benefits of those services.
  • Specific conditions can be selected as electives and may be specific to a role or the needs of an individual being supported. Some conditions will be relevant across roles and environments.

Understanding what to do – specific tasks

  • Specific tasks can be selected as electives. Some tasks may be similar across roles e.g. infection control procedures, moving people and equipment safely, maximising independence; and others may be role specific e.g. transport body parts, assist with oral health care procedures, carry out vision and hearing screening tests.

Level 2


  • Basic factual or operational knowledge of a field of work or study


  • Apply known solutions to familiar problems
  • Apply standard processes relevant to the field of work or study


  • General supervision
  • Requiring some responsibility for own learning and performance
  • Collaborating with others

Level 3


  • Some operational and theoretical knowledge in a field of work or study


  • Select and apply from a range of known solutions to familiar problems
  • Apply a range of standard processes relevant to the field of work or study


  • Limited supervision
  • Requiring major responsibility for own learning and performance
  • Adapting own behaviour when interacting with others
  • Contributing to group performance

Level 4


  • Broad operational and theoretical knowledge in a field of work or study


  • Select and apply solutions to familiar and sometimes unfamiliar problems
  • Select and apply a range of standard and non-standard processes relevant to the field of work or study


  • Self-management of learning and performance under broad guidance
  • Some responsibility for the performance of others

Below is the list of/links to unit standards that currently exist under coverage by Toitū te Waiora and are being used in programmes leading towards the various Health and Wellbeing qualifications. Our intent in the first instance is to focus on developing skill standards for units that are core and compulsory* in current programmes and any high usage ** standards.  There will be scope to add to the list of standards where gaps are identified by different parts of the sectors using these qualifications, but this work will follow the development of the core/high usage standards. We do welcome any feedback identifying gaps.

Level 2 standards (15)

The role

*23451 Describe the role of a support worker in a health or wellbeing setting

*23686 Describe a person’s rights in a health or wellbeing setting

*28519 Maintain a safe and secure environment for people and support workers in a health or wellbeing setting

The person

*28517 Recognise and report changes and risks for a person in a health or wellbeing setting

**28545 Apply personal plan requirements to meet the needs of people in a health or wellbeing setting

**28548 Support a person’s wellbeing and quality of life in a health or wellbeing setting

Culture and communication

*28518 Interact with people to provide support in a health or wellbeing setting

*28529 Identify the impact of culture on support in a health or wellbeing setting


26982 Describe communication with people with a communication disability in an aged care, health, or disability context

What to do -tasks

*23452 Describe techniques for moving equipment and people in a health or wellbeing setting

**20826 Demonstrate knowledge of infection control requirements in a health or wellbeing setting

**23685 Describe pre-packaged medication and the process for its use in a health or wellbeing setting

26976 Describe the use of enablers, restraints, and safe restraint practice in an aged care, health, or disability context

26978 Support a person to eat and drink in a health or wellbeing setting

26979 Describe the immediate response to the death of a person in a health or wellbeing setting

Level 3 standards (86)

Current strands = Health Assistance (HA), Support Work (SW), Orderlies (ORD), Vision Hearing Screening (VHS), Newborn Hearing Screening (NBHS)

The role

*28542 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of professional and ethical behaviour in a health or wellbeing setting (All)

**28536 Apply health, safety, and security practices in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW, ORD)

**23389 Describe risk management planning in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

27104 Apply the Code of Rights when supporting people in an aged care, health, or disability context (HA, SW)

The person

*28521 Recognise and describe responses to vulnerability and abuse in a health or wellbeing setting (All)

*27459 Observe and respond to changes in people in a health or wellbeing setting (All)

**27458 Describe the development of a personal plan and support a person to achieve goals in a health or wellbeing setting

(HA, SW)

**28524 Describe a person’s holistic needs and their impact on a person’s health and wellbeing (HA, SW)

**28528 Describe and apply a person-centred approach in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW, ORD)

**23385 Demonstrate knowledge of advocacy and self-advocacy in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW, ORD)

27461 Describe indicators of wellness, interventions, care, and support for people at different lifespan stages (HA, SW)

1818 Describe the value or relationships and support for healthy relationships for a person in a health or wellbeing setting (SW)


Culture and communication

*28557 Communicate to support people’s health and wellbeing (All)

*32418 Describe application of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and its benefits, in a health or wellbeing setting (All plus some L4 programmes)

**23388 Provide support to a person whose behaviour presents challenges in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW, ORD)

**28544 Provide support to people from different cultures in a health or wellbeing setting (All)

25987 Describe culturally safe principles and Pacific values for people in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW, NBHS, ORD, VHS)

**32419 Apply Māori values, and apply their application, when supporting tangata whai ora in a health or wellbeing setting. (All)

27141 Demonstrate knowledge of cultural identities and culture-related issues in an aged care, health, or disability context (HA, SW)


**27457 Describe the anatomy and physiology of systems and associated organs of the human body (HA – Dental, PCPA)

**27460 Describe a person’s nutritional requirements and feeding issues in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

**28737 Demonstrate knowledge of pressure injuries and pressure care (HA, SW)

**28546 Describe incontinence and interventions to assist a person in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

**28738 Describe the key principles of palliative care and a support worker’s role in a palliative approach to care (HA, SW)

**26971 Describe factors that contribute to mental health wellbeing and mental health problems (HA, SW)

**23387 Describe the ageing process and its effects on a person’s lifestyle and wellbeing (HA, SW)

**26974 Describe interaction, supports, and reporting for people with dementia in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

**16870 Describe intellectual disability and the support needs of a person with an intellectual disability (HA, SW)

**16871 Describe physical disability and the support needs of a person with a physical disability (HA, SW)

**28563 Provide person-centred care when supporting a person with early-stage dementia in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

23374 Describe autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and support strategies (SW)

27454 Describe tooth notation and anatomy, dental caries, and periodontal disease (HA – Dental)

20965 Describe epilepsy and the support needs of a person with epilepsy in a health or wellbeing setting (SW)

20966 Demonstrate knowledge of support needs of a person with a brain injury in an aged care, health, or disability setting (SW)

28520 Demonstrate knowledge of specific conditions and their impacts when providing support in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

28547 Support a person with diabetes in a health or wellbeing setting (HA,SW)

28550 Support a person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

23373 Impact of mental illness on a person with an intellectual disability (SW)

28522 Describe selected aspects of human development theory in a health or wellbeing setting (HA)

26972 Describe interventions and models used by mental health and addiction support workers when working with service users (HA, SW)

23375 Describe hearing impairment (HA, VHS*)

24895 Describe the visual system and vision impairment (VHS*)

17454 Describe risk factors and indicators of child abuse

17455 Child abuse reporting procedures

23372 Describe law in relation to intellectual disability and high and complex needs and legal services available to people (SW)

28523 Describe community values and attitudes and their impact on people with disabilities (SW)

27504 Describe tobacco use and dependence and smoking cessation treatments (HA – Smoking Cessation)

27507 Describe tobacco control and health promotion as ways of enhancing health through smoking cessation (HA – Smoking Cessation)

27505 Assess a person for tobacco dependence and support a person to develop a stop-smoking plan (HA – Smoking Cessation)

27506 Support a person to implement a stop-smoking plan and provide ongoing support to assist a person to remain smoke free (HA – Smoking Cessation)

23371 Support personal planning to enhance individual lifestyles with a person with a disability (SW)

26973 Support mental health and addiction service users and supports to engage with and review local services and resources (HA, SW)

26980 Provide comfort cares, and report changes in the condition of a person with a life-limiting condition (HA, SW)

1828 Identify services available to people with disabilities (SW)

What to do -tasks

**20827 Support a person to use prescribed medication in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

**23386 Support a person to meet personal care needs in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

**23391 Respond to loss and grief in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

**23925 Support, mentor, and facilitate a person to maximise independence in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

**26977 Move a person using equipment and care for equipment in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW, ORD)

**27833 Support people to use assistive equipment and move in a health, disability, or aged care context (HA, SW, ORD)

**28535 Demonstrate knowledge of procedures for infection control in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW, ORD)

**26981 Describe risks, impacts, and actions for falls and minimise risk of falls in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW, ORD)

23382 Support a person to participate as a member of the community in a health or wellbeing setting (SW)

27448 Allocate and record dental patients’ appointments, and maintain dental patients’ records (HA – Dental)

27451 Describe and apply infection prevention and control procedures in dental therapy and general dentistry (HA – Dental)

27450 Prepare the dental surgery for oral health care procedures and assist with oral health care procedures (HA – Dental)

27465 Contribute to therapeutic programmes and/or groups in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

27466 Apply modalities in physiotherapy as a health assistant (HA)

27468 Apply safe swallowing strategies in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

27469 Use specialised assistive and/or therapeutic equipment with people in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

27317 Prepare a deceased person for viewing when working as an orderly in a health or disability context (ORD)

28530 Move and store equipment in a healthcare facility (HA, ORD*)

28531 Transport people in a healthcare facility (HA, ORD*)

28532 Transport a deceased person in a healthcare facility (HA, ORD)

28533 Transport body parts in a healthcare facility (HA, ORD)

28534 Support the effective functioning of a healthcare facility as an orderly (ORD*)

28549 Collect and transport healthcare waste in a healthcare facility (HA, ORD)

26735 Demonstrate knowledge of the use and maintenance of hearing screening equipment for the UNHSEIP (NBHS)

26738 Demonstrate knowledge of referral and habilitation for the UNHSEIP (NBHS)

28527 Carry out vision and hearing screening tests for children in a health or wellbeing setting (VHS*)

28548 Support a person’s wellbeing and quality of life in a health or wellbeing setting (NBHS)

23377 Use visual strategies for communicating with Deaf and hearing impaired people (HA)

1810 Provide information about resources and support services in a health or wellbeing setting (HA, SW)

23918 Describe the philosophy, purpose, and benefits of diversional therapy, and the role and skills of diversional therapists (HA)

26801 Describe the benefits of breastfeeding, available support services, and Baby Friendly Initiatives (HA)

26802 Describe information, interactions, and strategies that support breastfeeding, and demonstrate breastfeeding care (HA)

Level 4 units in Level 3 programmes:

26737 Carry out newborn hearing screening for the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme (NBHS)

26731 Describe the types and causes of hearing loss and hearing screening methods for newborns (NBHS)

28526 Record, interpret, and explain vision and hearing screening results for children in a health or wellbeing setting (VHS)



Level 4 standards (74)

These standards are used across the following qualifications: Advanced Care and Support (ACS), Social and Community Services (SCS), Rehabilitation Support – Brain Injury (BI), Peers Support (PS), and Primary Care Practice Assistance (PCPA)

The role

*28992 Explain, apply, and evaluate self-reflection in a health or wellbeing setting (All)

*29455 contribute to a culture of service quality, professionalism and ethical practice in a health or wellbeing setting (SCS, BI, PS, PCPA)

*29456 Compare the key attributes of service philosophies used in health or wellbeing settings (SCS, PS, PCPA)

*29718 Reflect on new learning to identify implications for own practice in a health or wellbeing context (SCS)

*28537 Undertake self-care to maintain and enhance personal wellness in a health or wellbeing setting (SCS, BI, PS, PCPA)

*29458 Demonstrate knowledge of Aotearoa New Zealand’s contemporary health and wellbeing sector (SCS, PCPA)

*28994 Demonstrate leadership in a health or wellbeing setting (SCS, PS)

*30201 Contribute to quality and safety in a health or wellbeing setting (PCPA)

*29461 Contribute to the safety of people, self and others in a health or wellbeing setting (SCS, PCPA)

*28984 Work collaboratively in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

*28985 Demonstrate knowledge of service delivery models and strategies in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

*28986 Apply strategies to implement a service delivery model to support a person in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

*28990 Describe leadership principles and qualities in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

**28991 Demonstrate knowledge of and apply peer mentoring in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

**23393 Apply and evaluate a risk management plan for a person in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

32516 Undertake informal coaching in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

26986 Describe the mental health and addiction sector in New Zealand and carry out the role of a MHA support worker (SCS – MH strand)

26990 Demonstrate ethical practice and reflect on own ethical practice as a mental health and addiction support worker (SCS – MH strand)

27077 Describe approaches to, and models of, addiction intervention, and contribute to the application of one model (SCS – MH strand)

31921 Explain key concepts of a peer relationship and how these are applied in own role (PS)

31922 Describe the evolution of peer work and the peer work role, and compare approaches (PS)

31923 Explain the importance and establishment of relational safety in peer work and the implications of privacy legislation (PS)

32384 Describe the Enabling Good Lives initiative (SCS – Disability Support Strand)

32385 Apply Enabling Good Lives Principles (SCS – Disability Support Strand)

The person

*29457 Explain factors influencing people’s health and wellbeing and their implications when providing support (All)

*29712 Contribute to identifying intended outcomes for a person in a health or wellbeing setting and evaluate own performance (SCS)

*29713 Work alongside a person to achieve intended outcomes in a health or wellbeing setting and evaluate own performance (SCS)

*29715 Demonstrate knowledge of a social issue or situation relevant to a New Zealand health or wellbeing context (SCS, PCPA)

*29462 Demonstrate knowledge of responding to people in situations of vulnerability in a health or wellbeing setting (SCS, BI, PCPA)

*28993 Respond to changes and perform observations and/or clinical tasks in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS, PCPA)

*28987 Contribute to a personal plan for a person with complex needs in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

32506 Advocate for a person in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

32505 Contribute to and apply a personal plan for a person with a brain injury in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

32509 Contribute to and apply a personal plan for a frail person in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

32512 Contribute to and apply a personal plan for a person requiring bariatric care in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

26989 Support a person accessing MHA services to develop, follow and review a wellbeing support plan (SCS – MH strand)

31920 work alongside a person accessing peer support to identify, develop and review progress towards meeting aspirations (PS)

31924 Describe the development of a relationship between a person accessing support from a peer worker and whānau and family  (PS)

31919 Establish and maintain purposeful relationships in peer work (PS)

30200 Explain the role of primary care and describe relevant health or wellbeing issues in NZ (PCPA)

Culture and communication

*28558 Explain the impacts of colonisation on health and wellbeing for tangata whenua, and in a health or wellbeing setting (All)

*28989 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of cultural diversity and support strategies in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

*29459 Engage with tangata whenua and provide information on community support services in a health or wellbeing setting (SCS, BI, PS, PCPA)

*29460 Develop and maintain positive relationships to achieve outcomes in a health or wellbeing setting (SCS, BI, PCPA)

32507 Describe and apply positive behaviour support (ACS)

31918 Identify and explain own culture, life experience and lived experience, and own strengths in relation to peer work (PS)



*29716 Demonstrate knowledge of a condition or impairment relevant to a New Zealand health or wellbeing context (SCS, PCPA)

*32510 Apply strategies to support a person with an acute condition in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

*32511 Apply strategies to support a person with a chronic condition in a health or wellbeing setting  (ACS)

*28988 Describe and apply knowledge of supporting a person with complex needs in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

**32416 Demonstrate knowledge of support for family, whānau, and care partners of people living with dementia (ACS)

**23920 Demonstrate knowledge of support for people living with dementia (ACS)

**23921 Support people living with dementia (ACS)

**23923 Demonstrate knowledge of dementia (ACS)

26887 Support rehabilitation for a person affected by a brain injury (BI)

26888 Support a person whose cognitive function has been affected by a brain injury (BI)

26889 Describe effects of brain injury on behaviour and implement safeguards to support a perosn after a brain injury   (BI)

26890 Describe effects of brain injury on physical function and implement strategies to support a person after brain injury  (BI)

26891Describe the effects of brain injury on communication and implement strategies to support a person after brain injury (BI)

26893 – Demonstrate knowledge of, and report on changes in, the psychological wellbeing of a person after brain injury (BI)

26895 – Describe the structure and function of the human brain, and causes, severity, and effects of brain injury on people (BI)

26896 – Describe effects of fatigue after brain injury, and implement strategies to support a person to manage fatigue (BI)

26984 Describe mental health and addiction issues and the potential impact of co-existing problems (SCS-MH strand)

26983 Describe and implement strategies for engaging with mental health and addiction service users and their natural supports (SCS-MH strand)

26988 Describe mental health and addiction issues at different life stages and support a service user at one life stage (SCS-MH strand)

27076 Describe common substance and non-substance addictions in New Zealand, their effects, and types of addictive behaviour (SCS-MH strand)

What to do -tasks

*32504  Contribute to the preparation and evaluation of reports in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

*29714 Identify and contribute to community networks to support health and wellbeing (SCS, PS)

5786 – Develop, implement, evaluate, and adapt personal diversional and recreational therapy care plans (SCS-DRT strand)

5788 – Develop, implement, evaluate, and adapt diversional and recreational therapy group care plans (SCS-DRT strand)

5792 – Develop, implement, and evaluate a diversional and recreational therapy plan for a person experiencing grief and loss (SCS-DRT strand)

5795 – Describe and apply the principles of quality assurance to diversional and recreational therapy practice (SCS-DRT strand)

29523 – Apply a palliative care approach in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)

32508 – Describe and apply psychological first aid in a health or wellbeing setting (ACS)



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